3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Stop Looking for Your Soulmate

You never know when they might show up!

Emily Peterson
2 min readNov 8, 2021
Faceless couple with coffee and rose bouquet in cafeteria
Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels

It’s a love storey as old as time: boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, life doesn’t often work out so smoothly. Sometimes love is elusive and sometimes it never arrives at all! But love isn’t the only thing that makes us happy — there are plenty of other things that might make our lives worth living too. So don’t give up hope just yet; you may still find your soulmate without even seeking them!

If love is what you’re waiting for, then love will find a way to come into your life. Yet, if the search itself gets too laborious and demanding, it’s time to re-evaluate why you are still looking in the first place! Here are three reasons why we shouldn’t stop hunting for our soulmate:

Builds You Up

“Love does not dominate; it cultivates.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It’s no secret that individuals bring a lot of baggage with them, but what you might not realise is that they’re doing the same thing.

Everyone has flaws and no one is flawless, but having someone in your corner who sees your strengths rather than your weaknesses can make all the difference in the world.

It Can Improve Your Confidence

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” — Lao Tzu

The power of love is evident most powerfully when it challenges us to be vulnerable, which takes courage. But this is nothing new — people have championed love for centuries at great risk to themselves.

A perfect example is St. Valentine.

He defied the Roman Emperor Diocletian’s ban on marriage by marrying couples in secret and he was eventually beaten with clubs and beheaded. Yet his legacy lives on, as every February 14th we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day as a reminder that there’s always hope for love and happiness, no matter how bleak.

You Are Worthy of Love

It’s easy to convince yourself that love is better bestowed on others. You may not love yourself or love might seem like a forbidden fruit for you. But the truth is, love doesn’t wait around for permission. If love is what you’re waiting for, love will find a way to come into your life. Eventually, love will find its way to you!

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